We believe every child deserves someone who will advocate for their best interest in the court and their community. Ultimately ensuring every child has a safe and permanent home!

Your donation ensures a child in your community will have an advocate lifting up their voice and ensuring their needs are met.

We believe every child deserves someone who will advocate for their best interest in the court and their community. Ultimately ensuring every child has a safe and permanent home! image




Your donation ensures a child in your community will have an advocate lifting up their voice and ensuring their needs are met.

Four young girls were removed from a home with significant substance use, domestic violence, and neglect. The eldest child, Alexis*, was parenting her three younger siblings. She reported finding food scarce, using the restroom on the floor in the locked room they were often confined to, and watching her infant sister’s health decline day by day due to lack of nutrition and care. Alexis* obtained help for her sisters, resulting in their removal and the subsequent separation of her siblings. Despite active efforts to keep all children together, the two eldest moved to one foster care home and the two younger girls to another. Trauma symptoms were apparent from the case’s onset, with nightmares, malnourishment, behavioral concerns, and educational deficits. CASA was honored to advocate for comprehensive trauma assessments, therapeutic and educational supports, and after several changes in foster homes and schools, for all four girls to end up together in a pre-adoptive home. Alexis'* CASA volunteer, elected to remain on the case even though the home visits travel distance increased from five minutes to an hour drive one way - to support these children and their new caregivers. Today, the two eldest children have been adopted, and CASA awaits the next hearing date where the two youngest children will officially be adopted into their supportive forever family. CASA has been integral for the familial well-being and reunification of these four children, evidenced by Alexis* reporting to her CASA - "I can sleep now that all of my sisters are together."

*Name changed to protect child anonymity